我非常高兴地欢迎你们来到开普菲尔学院! 学生生活, 由教务长管理的区域, 我们专注于学生在课堂外接受的教育. 尽管我们意识到学术生活将是CFA事业的核心, 我们致力于学习持续的理念, 超越了传统课堂的门槛,变得更有意义了吗. 我们创造的这个至关重要的“课堂之外的课堂”的另一个词是社区. The community we build together here is critical to the training students receive to become the leaders each are expected to be upon graduation from CFA. 因此, 你对社区的参与和参与是一种期望,而不仅仅是事后的想法.
The 学生会协会 (SGA) of 开普菲尔学院 is the student organization that serves the 上学校 student population by advocating student concerns to faculty and administration, 协调社会活动, 促进新的和现有的俱乐部和组织. The SGA relies heavily upon energetic and invested student representatives who are elected annually from the student body. 当选代表可在执行局任职, 作为班长, 或担任众议院议长或副议长.
学院杯 is a friendly competition of intellectual and 运动 contests between teams made up of 上学校 students from various grades as a way to build community and allow students to meet their peers across all grades. 从前几年的比赛包括:国旗足球,琐事,疯狂三月和扑克锦标赛. Points are also earned by classes whose members excel in 服务 to the community and involvement in school and beyond. 获胜的“学院”是在给定学年中获得最多分数的学院, 赢得了“学院杯冠军”的称号,当然了, 夸耀的权利.
Our Academic teams are led by a Head Coach who creates regular practice sessions and brings in content experts when needed. 我们的每个学术团队都定期参加比赛,并在每个领域赢得了无数奖项.
数学团队: 数学团队是为喜欢探索的学生准备的 & 从数学中获得乐趣. 会员是在高中数学课程达到或超过年级水平的学生 & 享受与其他学生的竞争. 数学小组的练习包括解题 & 讨论数学问题,为整个学年的竞赛做准备. Our mission is to provide a mathematical experience beyond the classroom for interested students and expose them to existing mathematical talent outside of CFA.
辩论队: The CFA Debate Team trains students to compete at regional 辩论 tournaments within a 2-hour radius of Wilmington. 学生可以选择参加公共论坛(2对2), 时事), 林肯·道格拉斯(1对1, 哲学/道德问题), 或国会(团体), 学生撰写立法并讨论辩论形式. 需要在比赛前进行团队训练. Tournaments are held on Saturdays from September through April; parents provide transportation and serve as judges. Participants can earn an Honors credit by attending and successfully competing in 4 辩论 tournaments during the year.
国史日: 国家历史日®(NHD)是一个非营利教育组织,总部设在马里兰州的大学公园. NHD offers year-long academic programs that engage over half a million middle- and high-school students around the world annually in conducting original research on historical topics of interest. 自1974年以来, NHD has continuously improved history education by providing professional development opportunities and curriculum materials for educators. The largest NHD program is the National History Day Contest that encourages more than half a million students around the world to conduct historical research on a topic of their choice. 学生进入这些项目在地方和附属水平, 优等生可以进入马里兰大学帕克分校的全国比赛.
青年与政府: 青年与政府(YAG)是由基督教青年会领导的模拟政府计划. 学生们参加了开普菲尔学院代表团和在罗利举行的州会议. 有各种各样的角色可供学生参加会议, 包括立法, 司法, 行政部门, 还有媒体. 中国特许金融协会代表团由顾问团主席张丽娟女士率领. 卡普斯和当选的学生官员. 学生选择自己的角色, 获得会议材料的支持, 并跟上基督教青年会州立项目设定的最后期限. 在2月份召开国家会议之前,CFA代表团每月大约开会1-2次.
俱乐部 & 特别兴趣团体
我们的特殊兴趣小组是由两个或两个以上的人因共同的兴趣或目标而联合起来的协会. 一个特别兴趣小组的存在是为了志愿或慈善活动,并以政治为重点, 宗教, 爱好和/或运动, 还有社会活动. 以下是俱乐部的样本清单.
大使: The Student Ambassadors are a select group of CFA students who are dedicated to the positive promotion of 开普菲尔学院. 学生大使是学校的官方主人和女主人, 并且是每年许多潜在的CFA校园访客的第一个接触点. 学生大使计划的目标是教育未来的学生, 家庭, school groups and the general public on the programs and resources and student life at 开普菲尔学院 through leading campus tours, 以及各种招生和捐赠者培养活动. 这项特权适用于9年级至12年级的在读学生. 学生可以申请,然后被邀请参加这个项目. 大使是学校总招生和公共关系工作的重要组成部分.
汽车俱乐部: Establish a community of people who all have an interest in cars and want to make friends with the same interests and/or help their school along with charities.
β俱乐部: 全国贝塔俱乐部是最大的独立组织, 非营利性的, 美国的教育青年组织. 80多年来,它一直在培养今天的学生成为明天的领导者. 促进学术成就的理想, 字符, 服务及领导中小学生.
广播俱乐部: 制作了一个由学生主导的新闻节目《冰球突破豪华版》.
CFA的骄傲: LGBTQIA+学生和他们的盟友聚集在一起,为校园和社区提供友谊和服务.
编码俱乐部: Enable the students to grasp the fundamentals of programming while also learning to collaborate with other students well; Give the students explore and experiment with the subject as a possible career path; Help students with in and out of course work, 为那些致力于程序/行业/职业的人提高每个成员的编程技能.
多样性俱乐部: To do on and off campus 服务 to promote engagement across differences in the CFA community and the greater Wilmington region.
恐惧: 每年,The FEAR都会努力推广学校精神. The FEAR设计了“精神衬衫”,赞助动员大会, 比赛欢呼, and is one of the driving spirit forces behind school-wide projects and events - membership requirements: CFA spirit, 大声, 创造性思维, 适当的欢呼和出席CFA比赛和活动.
麻烦俱乐部: The FUSS Club provides an opportunity for spirited discussion of everything from current events to school concerns to pop culture. 学生们提出主题,然后通过月度投票对当月的议程进行投票. 为谈话做准备是被鼓励的,但不是必须的.
学校顾问委员会主席: 居屋谘询委员会的目的,是协助校长更有效地履行其使命, which is to create a transforming educational experience for students focused on deep disciplinary knowledge; problem solving; 领导, 沟通, and interpersonal skills; and personal health and well-being.
高潮: 学生可以通过与High Tide杂志的独立学习获得部分或全部艺术或选修学分. 在High Tide做独立研究类似于在杂志实习. 学生将处理与杂志制作相关的各种职责, 包括(但不限于)策划比赛, 组织提交, 营销杂志, 策划特别活动, 设计问题. 需要High Tide学院顾问的批准.
即兴表演: 作为一个团队来创作即兴的场景和故事. 加强批判性思维、公众演讲、团队合作等技能. Another great benefit of this club is that it would provide MUCH needed anxiety relief and increased personal confidence to participants.
机器人俱乐部团队: 机器人、工程、竞赛、技术等.
年轻的民主党人: 组织选民登记运动, 参加集会, 邀请客座演讲者就重要问题向学生群体发表演讲. 我们是一个在政治光谱上偏左的学生能够表达他们信仰的出口, 通过支持民主党.
年轻的共和党人: 对当前的政治、经济和社会问题产生兴趣. 为有政治头脑的年轻学生提供讨论的机会, 辩论, 服务的机会, 并促进政治活动.
Our 荣誉的社会 provides students who are particularly focused and engaged in a certain area to explore these interests in depth through guided coursework and extracurricular opportunities. Honor societies promote the values of higher education; foster excellence in scholarship, 领导, 服务, and research; and adhere to the standards of honor society excellence. 成功完成所有要求的学生将以优异的成绩毕业.
国际戏剧学会: 国际戏剧协会是戏剧艺术专业学生的荣誉协会. 获得终身戏剧会员资格, students in grades nine through twelve must attend a school with an active Thespian troupe and complete a sufficient quantity and quality of work in theatre arts. 演员在入职后所做的工作可能会获得额外的荣誉. 大多数戏剧表演都持续到12年级. 毕业会员成为戏剧界校友.
全国荣誉学会: 国家荣誉协会(NHS)会员资格对10年级的学生开放, 11, 根据就职典礼的日期,还有12个. 每年, a faculty council selects members for admission to NHS based upon the following criteria established by the National Honor Society and excerpted from the National Honor Society Handbook: scholarship, 领导, 服务, 和性格.
西班牙荣誉学会: 西班牙荣誉协会的宗旨是促进西班牙文化, to enhance the knowledge of its members about Hispanic culture and share this knowledge with others; to encourage its members to participate in local and statewide events related to the Hispanic population and culture, 并为当地和国际人道主义工作提供机会.
每年秋季, 九年级的班级花了一天的时间冒险去秃头岛划桨, 皮划艇, 骑着自行车在岛上探险, 听取秃头岛保护协会执行主任的意见, 完成一项社区服务项目, 完成一次岛上寻宝游戏, 和同学建立友谊.
一年一度的二年级班级旅行在达勒姆郊外的福尔斯湖州立娱乐区举行, 北卡罗莱纳. The adventure consists of camping and canoeing over three days and two nights and provides a wonderful opportunity for our students to grow closer as a class. 学生将学习为他们的小组做饭, 使用指南针, 划一只装满装备的独木舟, 设置营地, 荒野与水上安全, 并且依靠彼此来应对一天中面临的挑战. School administrators and faculty partner with the National Center for Outdoor Adventure Education Representatives to plan and execute this event.
每年,青少年班都会前往皮斯加国家森林进行青少年户外探险. The trip consists of hiking and camping in a wilderness setting while students carry with them all of their group’s food, 烹饪设备, 帐篷, 衣服, 还有睡袋. 这次旅行为所有学生提供了日常领导机会,比如当天的厨师, 齿轮的组织者, 水化船员, 航海家, 和更多的. This shared experience creates memories for the class that are remembered in the years and decades after they graduate from high school. School administrators and faculty partner with the National Center for Outdoor Adventure Education Representatives to plan and execute this event.
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